Llamas for profit



 If you are considering...

Farm diversification

Smallholding expansion

Improved use of under-utilised land

Leisure diversification (hotels, B&B, leisure centres etc)

Tourism related Business


... then llamas offer varied opportunities



Luxury Fibre Production...

Breeding to supply the trekking and fibre markets

Breeding for field pets

Breeding for livestock guardians

Breeding to supply the leisure industry

Creating an on-farm open attraction

Pleasure and fun!



Llamas are still very much a rare breed in the UK, yet if you surf through these web pages you will see that there are many interesting and valuable as well as fun uses for llamas.

Each one of these uses represent a sound market and  a valid reason why llamas can offer a profitable business venture with a viable long-term future.

In fact, each application offers a potential market far above the total existing U.K llama population. 

Add all the applications and potential markets together and it is easy to see the positive and profitable opportunities...

Taking the leisure market alone:

... Look at the numbers of horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, sheep etc which are kept in small numbers  for personal pleasure, hobby farming, agro-tourism etc, yet add up to hundreds of thousands in total: then one can see that with perhaps only two to three thousand llamas in the UK at the present time, llamas have huge commercial potential for growth.

... Equally llama trekking ventures are setting up in various areas of Britain and enjoying great popularity yet there are still a huge number of areas not yet served by such ventures. 

We believe that the more people who enter the industry, the greater will its potential become through increased public awareness, marketing, and geographic spread. For this reason although breeders ourselves, we are committed to helping our clients who wish to enter into breeding llamas commercially and will be pleased to give as much help and advice as we can.

Apart from breeding llamas to meet the many potential markets, we have supplied llamas to, and been very involved with, the setting up of llama trekking ventures and this is another area in which we would be delighted to help. Good trekking llamas owned by helpful, good value trekking centres are first class ambassadors for the breed and so - again - we are delighted to help and give the benefit of our experience freely to our clients.

Remember that llamas offer low key, low cost management
bullet Compare the work, problems and cost of maintaining and running stallion horses, bulls, billy goats and rutting deer, to the easy-going stud llama.
bullet Compare the work and effort of assisting lambing sheep or calving cows, often involving a vet, with llamas who rarely need any assistance at all...
bullet Compare the absence of need for dipping, regular foot trimming, etc.

Please note too that llamas - as yet -do not come under any Ministry of Agriculture requirements for licensing, multiple ear tags or any of the other bureaucracy that plagues British farmers.

Roseland Llamas
From time to time we offer special group rates.
To create cost effective start-up herds,  
please contact us for details